API - Application Programming Interface

What is an API?

API is an abbreviation for Application Programming Interface which is a collection of communication protocols and subroutines that enable software to communicate with each other.

They allow developers to access and use the functionality of another system without having to understand its inner workings.

For example, when you use a weather app on your phone, it likely relies on an API to retrieve data from a weather service. The app developers don't need to know how the weather service works internally. They just need to use its API to get the data they need.


APIs are used to integrate different software systems and platforms, allowing them to work together seamlessly. This helps in reusing functionality and resources, reducing development time and costs, and improving the scalability and flexibility of applications.

Types of APIs

In terms of architecture, there are five types of APIs:


  • GraphQL APIs


  • Kafka APIs

  • Async APIs

RESTful APIs are the most popular type, as they are easy to use and provide a simple, lightweight way to transfer data. SOAP APIs are more complex but offer greater security and reliability.

In terms of access, there are four types of APIs:

  1. Public/Open APIs

It is also called public APIs which are available to any other users. Open APIs

help external users to access data and services. It is an open-source application programming interface that we access with HTTP protocols.

  1. Partner APIs

It is a type of API in which a developer needs specific rights or licenses to access. Partner APIs are not available to the public.

  1. Internal APIs

It is also known as private API, only an internal system exposes this type of API. These are designed for the internal use of the company rather than the external users

  1. Composite APIs

It is a type of API that combines different data and services. The main reason to use Composites APIs is to improve the performance and speed up the execution process and improve the performance of the listeners in the web interfaces.

Benefits of API

There are several benefits of using APIs like it

  • Enables software integration and intercommunication

  • Promotes development efficiency and reusability

  • Enhances scalability and flexibility

  • Facilitates collaboration and innovation