What is Full Stack Developer?

FULL STACK DEVELOPER is an engineer who works on both client-side and server-side software. This type of software developer works on the Full Stack of an application meaning Front End Technology, Back End Development Languages, Database, Server, API, and version Controlling Systems. Hence, the name "Full Stack" Developer. Full stack developer translates user requirements into the overall architecture and implement the new systems. A Full-Stack Developer doesn't necessarily master all technologies. However, the professional is expected to work on the client as well as server sides and understand what is going on when developing an application.

Skill sets required to become a Full Stack Developer

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1) Front-end technology

Full stack developer should be master of essential front-end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. Knowledge of third-party libraries like React and Angular JS is desirable

2) Development Languages

Full stack engineer should know at least one server-side programming languages like JavaScript, Java, .Net, Python, Ruby, etc.

3) Database and cache

Knowledge of various DBMS technology is another important need of full stack developer. Relational databases like MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and NoSQL Databases such as MongoDB, Cassandra are widely used for this purpose. Knowledge of caching mechanisms like Redis, Memcache is a plus.

4) Basic design ability

In order to become a successful full stack developer, the knowledge of designing is also recommended. Moreover, the person should know the principle of basic prototype design and UI /UX design.

5) Server

Exposure to handling Apache or nginx servers is desirable. A good background in Linux helps tremendously in administering servers.

6) Version control system (VCS)

A version control system allows full stack developers to keep track of all the changes made in the codebase. The knowledge of Git helps full stack developers to understand how to get the latest code, update parts of the code, make changes in other developer's code without breaking things.

7) Working with API (REST & SOAP):

Knowledge of web services or API is also important for full stack developers. Knowledge of creations and consumption of REST and SOAP services is desirable.

Other Pieces of the Puzzle:

  1. Ability to write quality unit tests
  2. He or she should have a complete understanding of automated processes for building testing, document, and deploying it at scale
  3. An awareness of security concerns is important, as each layer has its own vulnerabilities
  4. Knowledge of Algorithms and data structures is also an essential need for professional full stack developers

What is a Tech Stack?

A tech stack refers to a set of tools, programming languages, and technologies that work together to build digital products or solutions such as websites, mobile, and web apps. A tech stack consists of two equally important elements: the frontend (client-side) and backend (server-side). Both work together to create a working tech stack.

Tech Stack Components

A technology stack consists of two components—the frontend and backend stacks. These stacks also shape the role of the developer who builds the product.

Frontend Tech Stack

The frontend tech stack is the client’s side of the application. Client-side refers to anything that a user can see or engage with on a screen. The main concern of the frontend stack is to create a user experience, smooth user interface, and straightforward internal structures. In other words, it is responsible for the design, format, and navigation of websites or web apps. There are two principal elements of a frontend stack. These are:

o HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) – it’s a markup language for creating and displaying electronic documents (web pages). They are the backbone in the organization and placement of content on a web page.

o CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) – It is responsible for the format and layout of the web pages. It includes the font styles, sizes, layout, color, and other aspects of a web page.

To make web pages interactive, you use JavaScript. It’s a programming language that allows you to implement dynamic features on web pages; through its libraries and frameworks (React, Angular, Vue and jQuery)

Backend Tech Stack

The server-side of software development is the backend tech stack. It refers to the inner workings of a website or app that users cannot see. Think of it like the electric power stations that generate electricity for your home. They may seem invisible in the background, but they are important to keep the operations running smoothly. The backend stack includes these elements:

o Programming languages – This creates logic for apps and websites. The codes link the web to a database. Some examples are JavaScript, Java, .NET, PHP, and Python

o Frameworks – it provides support of applications based on a single programming language. Node.JS, Express, Laravel, Django, and Ruby on Rails are few of the popular frameworks

o Servers – You need backend servers to manage client requests. Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) are great examples of web servers.

o Databases – It’s a digital space to store data. MongoDB, SQL Servers MySQL and PostgreSQL are common databases.

Top Tech Stack Models

Here are the top tech stacks to consider:


MERN is a collection of JavaScript-based technologies:

• M=MongoDB: Popular NoSQL database

• E=Express: Light and portable web program framework

• R=React: A javascript library for building user interfaces

• N=Node.js: A server-side JavaScript run time

This stack currently in the huge demand as it is widely used to develop web applications.


Essentially MEAN is similar to MERN. The difference is that you change React.js with Angular.js. MEAN brings numerous benefits to web developers. Among these benefits are the use of a single language (JavaScript) and the underlying technologies are open source and free. MEAN consists of:

• MongoDB (NoSQL database)

• Express.js backend web framework

• Angular.js frontend framework

• NodeJS open-source, cross-platform server

MEAN provides a practical approach to creating fast and highly efficient apps. All the components speak JSON (JavaScript Object Notations) for data transmission and free module library access. This tech stack helps to build scalable software products. It’s great for all types of websites and interactive applications.


Another variation of MEAN, MEVN uses Vue.js as the frontend web framework instead of Angular.js. Vue.js is easy to learn, delivers a clear programming style, and provides super performance for web applications.

What does a Full Stack Developer do?

As a full stack developer, you may be involved in following activities:

• Translate user requirements into the overall architecture and implementation of new systems

• Manage Project and coordinate with the Client

• Write backend code in JavaScript, Java, .NET, PHP, Python, Ruby languages

• Writing optimized front end code HTML and JavaScript

• Understand, create and debug database related queries

• Create test code to validate the application against client requirement.

• Monitor the performance of web applications & infrastructure

• Troubleshooting web application with a fast and accurate a resolution